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CellDetect™ provides the latest and most modern range of cellular telephone prevention and detection equipment for correctional and custodial facilities and government departments.



We offer technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) consulting and services to businesses, government departments and private individuals who are concerned about their privacy. We sweep and survey offices, boardrooms, residences, holiday homes, hotel rooms, boats, telephones and communication devices to ensure that there are no listening, recording, video or optical devices that could threaten the integrity of the areas or communication devices.

Our technicians are trained and certified by TSCM training institutions such as Eavesdropping Detection Solutions® (RSA) and Research Electronics International (REI) (USA). 

We use only the latest and most advanced debugging equipment and technology. During a debugging and TSCM survey we check the radio frequency (RF) spectrum from 100 kHz to 24 GHz with the OSCOR Blue Spectrum Analyser. We create RF maps and traces of the concerned areas and create complete signal lists of all the signals found and analysed.

The RF investigation includes checks for covert video cameras, optical devices, GSM based listening and video devices, bluetooth listening devices, devices operating on the Wi-Fi networks and digital devices.

Telephone investigations is conducted with the Talan 3.0 Advanced VoIP, Telephone and Line Analyser. We have the capability to check analogue, digital and VoIP lines and instruments.

Physical investigations are conducted with an Orion 2.4 HN Non-Linear Junction Detector. Supporting equipment consists of a Flir Thermal Camera, video pole camera, toolkits and appropriate devices.

Please do not contact us from the telephone or office or residence that you suspect is being bugged.

Our TSCM Survey Equipment:


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Celldetect have the latest and most advanced cell phone and communication detection equipment for government departments, correctional and custodial facilities.

It is not necessary for the DCS to waste hours of man power to search for cellular telephones that could have been remotely deactivated or prevented from entering the facilities using the right equipment. CellDetect™ is the only company in the World that specialises exclusively in providing solutions and technology to correctional, custodial and government departments regarding the prevention and detection of cellular telephones and other communications devices in areas where they are prohibited and not wanted.

SentryHound Pro Enforces a No Cell Phone Policy - The SentryHound Cell Phone Detection Portal is fast becoming the solution to correctional and custodial facilities in South Africa to counter and to detect cellular telephones being smuggled into facilities where they are prohibited says Mark Whitehead, Technical Manager of CellDetect™ from Centurion, Gauteng. To read more click here.

SentryHound-Pro Ferromagnetic Security Screener is a single pole (add a 2nd pole for complete walk through) solution to detect unauthorized or illegal cell phones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, wearables and even weapons including guns, knives and makeshift shivs and shanks. Setup is simple and can be done anywhere; plug and play out of the box with less than 30 seconds from powering up to full operation. No software or assembly required. This allows rapid, non-invasive inspection of pockets, bags, purses, clothing and even body cavities.




No more illicit devices, cell phone enabled Hotspots, Wi-Fi dongles in prison. We can now prevent criminals from selling Wi-Fi online time in prisons. Anyone using Hotspot enabled devices or Wi-Fi dongles can be traced. Devices can be located and removed.


  Orion HX Non-Linear junction detector


The ORION 2.4 HX Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD) detects electronic semi-conductor components in walls, floors, ceilings, fixtures, furniture, containers, or other surfaces. The ORION 2.4 HX NLJD is made to detect and locate hidden electronic devices regardless of whether the  device is radiating or turned off.



Searchlight/ Blacklight (Government Institutions only)






Cellular telephones are prohibited in South African prisons. Notwithstanding the prohibition there is growing evidence that the presence of cellular telephones in prisons has become a huge problem and headache to prison authorities.

While prisoners may use their cell phones to maintain contact with family and friends, the devices also provide inmates with an avenue for conducting criminal activity.

Various countermeasures such as jamming the cellular telephones signals have been employed with little success as the inadvertent interference with legitimate cellular telephone users is a concern. The same jamming technology that prohibits inmates from using cellular telephones could also prevent correctional personnel from doing the same for routine business or in the event of an emergency.

In the USA prison authorities use dogs that are trained specifically to detect cellular telephones and SIM cards.

We have the solution and offer various prevention and detection technology solutions. The first type is based on prevention such as the SentryHound, the Mastiff Chair and the Manta Ray Detector that can detect cellular telephones on entering the prison. The technology is vital to assist prison authorities to enforce security measures when prison wardens or visitors enter prison facilities.

 CellDetect Applications

The second type of technology is based on the detection of the devices after it made its way into the prison. RF devices such as the Wolfhound Pro and the Watchhound can detect cellular telephone signals that are active within the prison itself. The Manta Ray and the Orion 2.4 NLJD can assist to detect cellular telephones on the person or in the prison cell when doing physical searches.

Schools/Educational Institutions

CellDetect Schools

There are many good reasons why cellular telephones should be allowed in schools.

Unfortunately cellular telephones can also be used inappropriately by students for example cheating on tests, cyber bullying, taking photos and videos of each other without their knowledge (including teachers and lecturers). 

Cellular telephones in the learning environment causes distractions taking away from the learning experience that one expect in an educational environment.

Our equipment can help you enforce a “no cell phone after bell” policy where such restrictions are necessary and required, during exams, locker rooms, etc.


Cellular telephones have become an essential work tool but it create problems during meetings. According to Forbes Magazine (27 October 2013) new research shows that making or taking calls, writing and sending texts or emails, checking text messages or emails, and browsing the Internet are considered strongly inappropriate in formal business meetings

Copyright (c) Cell Detect - Cellular Telephone Detection Services and TSCM 2022. All rights reserved.
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